Michael Heft Food Drive & Miriam Messe Diaper Collection

It is time once again for the food and diaper drive to help local food banks. The items will be delivered to the Redding Food Pantry (Redding Food Pantry will only accept gift Cards – no food), Wilton Food Pantry, the Women’s Center of Greater Danbury, and the Community Action Agency of Western Connecticut.All of the pantries can use gift cards to grocery stores in addition to the items on the list. Personal care items are always in great need as well as toilet paper, paper towels and tissues. Coffee and juice boxes are needed for all pantries. Household cleaning products also. Lists will be distributed at Rosh Hashanah and items will be collected at Erev Yom Kippur, morning and family Yom Kippur services. Drivers will be needed after the second service to deliver to Wilton, Redding and Danbury. Please contact Jane Alexander at mailto:Jane@nodhill.net, 203-943-5819, to sign up to help or drive or if you have questions. Printable list of items needed here!

Please do not include items that are past the “best used by date.”

TBC High Holy Days Information