
At Temple B’nai Chaim, we strive to offer a diverse array of worship opportunities.  Our Sanctuary is where we explore our spiritual selves, experience and offer prayer in Hebrew and English (and sometimes other languages!), and mark milestones in our lives.  Our services are egalitarian, dynamic, and participatory.  Everyone is welcome!  

  • Shabbat and Holidays — See the TBC Calendar for information about weekly Shabbat and Holiday Services.
  • Our Memorial Torah — Temple B’nai Chaim is privileged to be the custodian of a great treasure … our Holocaust Memorial Torah. See  Our Czech Scroll – Holocaust Memorial Torah #529 and the special site for it on Pinterest.
  • Prayer Recordings — The prayers for TBC b’nai mitzvah services (from the Mishkan Tefilah siddur) are posted here.