In order to carry out underlying web server changes, no updates will be made to the TBC website until next Wednesday, April 23. If you have questions about services or event times, please contact our Office Manager, Denise Securra at (203) 544-8695. 

About Temple B’nai Chaim

Temple B’nai Chaim is a modern Reform congregation inspired by over 3000 years of tradition.  We believe in a living Judaism compatible with contemporary science, historical understanding, and ethical sensibilities, and which reflects everyday reality and is refined by it.  We are a member congregation of the Union for Reform Judaism.

TBC is open for in-person services in our beautiful sanctuary.  All are welcome! See our events calendar for dates and times. Special upcoming TBC events are also listed HERE!

Interested in finding out more about membership?  Send email to to contact us or call 203-544-8695.

Check out our News and Chailites page for additional information on upcoming services and events.

Special upcoming TBC events are also listed HERE!

Upcoming Events

  1. 26 Mar

    Hebrew School 4-7

    4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
  2. 28 Mar

    Welcome Shabbat Together

    7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
  3. 29 Mar

    Torah Study

    9:30 am - 12:00 pm
  4. 30 Mar

    Religious School K-7

    9:30 am - 11:30 am
  5. 30 Mar
  6. 30 Mar

    Madrichim Meeting

    11:45 am - 1:00 pm


From the Union For Reform Judaism / Reform Movement

Seven Jewish Comedians Sparking Joy

Seven Jewish Comedians Sparking Joy jemerman

Here are just a few modern-day female and genderqueer badkhens who have broken the mold as they share their own brand of Jewish joy with the world.

Visualizing Audacious Biblical Women for Our Times

Visualizing Audacious Biblical Women for Our Times jemerman

When invited to create work for the Jerusalem Biennale (an international art exhibition held every two years in Jerusalem) last year, artist Archie Rand decided to depict "a grouping of Jewish heroes who are women, appearing in an underreported story that should have a painted monument sampling the collective."

Prepping for Passover: A Resource Roundup for a Satisfying Seder

Prepping for Passover: A Resource Roundup for a Satisfying Seder jemerman

Passover is soon approaching! Below are some of our favorite Passover resources, selected to help your seder preparations go more smoothly.

Good Jewish Girl

Good Jewish Girl jemerman

I am a "good Jewish girl," curly hair, nice teeth, and loves wearing gold. A "good Jewish girl," who keeps a Star of David around her neck on the silver chain her mom bought her.