[The following event planning guidelines were approved by the TBC Board at its January 21, 2015 meeting. Amended March 2021]
In advance of proposing an event, the organizer should think about and be prepared to answer the following questions: What is the intended goal of this event? What is its purpose? (E.g. educational, community building, membership growth). Who are the target participants for this event? Can this event be opened up beyond just the TBC community? To whom? How should it be publicized outside TBC?
Event Planning Steps:
- Discuss the event and any funding requirements with the relevant Board Member, TBC committee liaison (Education, Social Action, Membership, Adult Ed), or Senior Clergy if needed.
- Prepare a full written description of the event and forward it to communications@templebnaichaim.org for review. It should have text that will be able to be used in Chailites and for publicity.
- After receiving confirmation from the Executive Committee, work with the Office Manager (officeadmin@templebnaichaim.org) …
- to reserve space for the proposed date and time;
- to arrange for any needed facility set-up, food, cleaning, etc.
- to reserve space for the proposed date and time;
- Sumbit the event and a brief description for the TBC Calendar. Use the Submit or Change an Event form.
- Determine whether online RSVP or payments are needed; if so, send a proposed RSVP/payment form outline to Denise Securra, TBC Office Manager (officeadmin@templebnaichaim.org) — Sample Wufoo Forms are here and here.
- Make arrangements for photographs to be taken and assign someone to write up the event afterwards for Chailites / TBC Website. (Send to chailites@templebnaichaim.org)
Event Communications options:
The best communication strategy at TBC events is often to speak to other members and encourage them both to attend and also to share information about the event with others. The Submit or Change an Event form includes a section on communications preferences. It is the responsibility of the committee sponsoring the event to provide content for commmunications, as follows:
- Article in Chailites 2-4 weeks ahead of time – send announcement text and any image content to chailites@templebnaichaim.org
- Special email blasts 2-4 weeks ahead of time (no more than 2 blasts) – send announcement text and image content, along with proposed send dates, to chailites@templebnaichaim.org
- Announcements on Facebook and Twitter – send announcement text and any image content to communications@templebnaichaim.org.
- Printed invitations, flyers / posters / external advertising / press releases: Always discuss in advance with the Communications Committee at communications@templebnaichaim.org . Note that all announcements, etc., will need to include standard TBC branding and templating.